It is a reality that has been consolidated in our country, with a strong growth pace, since it is presented as the best alternative to maximize your advertising investment.

Binding and handling.

In collaboration with different specialists in the branch, the final job details can be done on easel, milling, vegetal thread sewing
raised, folded, cleft, stapled, etc...

CD, DVD presentation

It is a fast and economical way to reach to the consumer. It offers the maximum information instantly in an attractive and effective way, with the maximum guarantees that the receiver will understand, examine and save the information.

Unlike printed catalogues, multimedia editions remain unchanged, allowing to filing or saving them for future reference, without losing any quality in the exposure of the contents, photographs, etc., stored in them.

It also offers an unmatched storage capacity, both quantitatively and qualitatively. You may accompany the information about your company and/or product with all kinds of graphic resources, audio, video: videos, music, interactive maps, voice-overs, etc… 


CD/DVD Duplication

We put within the reach of our clients, through duplication and customization in CD, DVD, mini CD or card - CD the most attractive way

to get the information, data and images in an innovative and economical support, adaptable to the market trends.

Our different finished job details distinguish us from the competition. We have the best printing and handling machinery, which allow us not only to record the discs, but also to present them as your company deserves it. 


Distribution of finished products.

We also deal with the distribution of the final product, and put it any location around the world indicated by you in the agreed terms.

  • SMS Platform

  • CD/DVD Presentation

  • CD/DVD Duplication

  • Personalized PVC cards with magnetic stripe and control chip

  • Customized campaigns

  • Delivery and Distribution

  • BBDD Treatment

  • Lamination

  • Wrapping shrink

  • Leafleting

  • Mailing

  • Tele Marketing

  • Massive fax sending