In GARANT COMUNICACIONES we are convinced that golf in Spain can become a good business back again if we are conscious of what truly is: a business 

A services business, like so many others, but that has to be apart from collateral factors outside the entertainment and quite linked to free time and its enjoyment as an outdoor activity. And in the use of the same tools of management and marketing that will lead to favorable results in its exploitation. 

Among those tools we have the CRM techniques (or relational marketing) that searches for the reinforcement of the relationship with our most common customers, ascertaining their tastes and preferences with the expectation of a more spontaneous consumption, not induced by the way.

With the double objective of acquire new members and subscribers while keeping loyalty from clients in transit by the installation.

Making our partners to spend more time at the Club (consuming more services) and to making them feel proud of being part of it.

Making the client feel treated as a true partner.

And providing to the sporadic customer, an enjoyable stay to make him come back to the Club.

For it GARAN COMUNICACIONES starts from a solid knowledge of the sector and the Spanish golf clubs industry, as well as an accredited experience in applying Relational Marketing techniques in other sectors of the Spanish enterprise.